It's time to vote
in our 2025 AGM

Vote by 11am on Tuesday 22 April

We’ll donate 30p to charity for every vote we receive

How to vote

Voting in our AGM is simple – you can vote online, by post, in branch or by attending the meeting.


The quickest and easiest way to vote is online. Either scan the QR code on the front page of your paper voting form or visit our secure voting website and use your unique voting codes. You’ll find these in your voting invitation email, or on the front page of your paper voting form.

Online voting is available 24 hours a day until 11am on Tuesday 22 April 2025.

By post

Complete and return your voting form using the prepaid addressed envelope sent to you with your paper voting form.

We must get the form back by 11am on Tuesday 22 April 2025. If you’re thinking about voting by post, it’s important to send us your voting form as early as possible. If there are any delays, this could mean your voting form reaches us after the voting deadline has closed.

If you can’t vote early by post, you can vote online using our secure website and the voting codes on the front of your paper voting form.

In branch

Complete, sign and date the declaration on your paper voting form. You can take it to any branch and place it in the ballot box before the branch closes on Wednesday 16 April 2025. You can also ask one of the team to print a voting form for you.

At the AGM in person

Attend the meeting at 11am on Thursday 24 April 2025 at Leeds Marriott Hotel, 4 Trevelyan Square, Boar Lane, Leeds LS1 6ET.

You vote, we donate

Voting in our AGM also helps us support good causes that provide safe and secure places to live for those that need them.

That’s because for every vote we receive this year, we’ll make a 30p donation to charity.

Once you’ve voted, you’ll be asked to choose where the donation goes – our charity partner Barnardo’s1 or the Leeds Building Society Foundation2. If you’re not sure which charity you’d prefer to support, leave the tick boxes blank and we’ll split the donation equally between the two.

Last year your votes raised a total of £17,273 - with £11,839 donated to Dementia UK3 and £5,434 to the Foundation.

Help us to raise even more money by voting this year!

What to expect when voting online

On our secure voting website, enter your unique voting codes. You’ll find these in your voting email or paper voting form.

You’ll then be able to vote on our resolutions and the election and re-election of the directors. After that, you can choose which charity you want us to donate to on your behalf.

It’s completely safe to vote online – you won’t be asked for any personal or financial details. All you need is your unique voting codes.

Vote now

1Barnardo's is a charity registered in England and Wales (216250) and Scotland (SC037605). A company limited by guarantee in England (61625). Registered address: Tanners Lane, Barkingside, IG6 1QG.

2Leeds Building Society Foundation is registered at Companies House with company number 03724612 and is a registered charity number 1074429. Registered address: 26 Sovereign Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS1 4BJ.

3Dementia UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1039404) and Scotland (SCO47429). A company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales (02944156). Registered address: 7th Floor, One Aldgate, London EC3N 1RE.