Payment and budgeting support
Mortgage Charter
We’re committed to providing you with further support if you’re worried about your mortgage payments, including the measures outlined in the Mortgage Charter.
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We’re committed to providing you with further support if you’re worried about your mortgage payments, including the measures outlined in the Mortgage Charter.
If you think you might not be able to pay for your mortgage, it's important that you tell us as soon as possible. Our friendly advisers are ready and waiting to find the best solution for your situation, so please don't feel worried about the conversation. Even if you've not missed any payments yet, we can make a plan that helps your mortgage feel more affordable.
We have our own budget planning tool you can use if you have a mortgage with us. Simply use your mortgage account number to log in, and create a password.
If your prefer to print something out, or want to take a quick glance at how to budget, you can use the PDF version of our budget planner.
View our handy budget planner PDF for more examples.
It's really important to understand what your priority and non-priority debts are. Priority debts have the most serious consequences if your payment is late or missed, so you should pay these first. Take a look at the table for some examples of the different types of debts.
If you're in financial difficulty, it's important that you tell us as soon as possible. The sooner you get in touch, the more options you're likely to have. Our friendly specialists are here to find the best solution for you. We'll work together to make a plan that helps your mortgage feel more affordable.
The first step is to complete a budget planner. This will help us to see to how we can best support you. To complete the budget planner, you'll need details of your income and what you spend your money on.
To complete the online budget planner, you'll need to create an account with Paylink using your existing mortgage account number and a new password to do this.
If you complete this online, you can call to speak to one of our specialists as soon as you've completed it, if you would like immediate help. We've included the numbers for each type of mortgage under the 'Phone' section, just give them a call when you're ready.
Alternatively, once you've completed the budget planner online, one of our specialists will call you to talk through how we can help. We'll usually call you within five days.
This will take you to the Paylink website. Paylink Solutions Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Start your budget plannerIf you prefer, you can complete your budget planner over the phone with one of our specialists instead. Just use the number below for the type of mortgage you have.
Our lines are open Monday to Thursday (8am to 7pm), Friday (8am to 5pm) and Saturday (9am to 12.30pm). We're closed on bank holidays.
There are many ways that we can help you, depending on your budget and your circumstances. We'll work with you to find a solution, and we'll use your budget planner to make sure the options we suggest are affordable and suit your needs.
If you miss a payment, your mortgage will be in arrears. This will show on your credit file and may affect your ability to get credit in future. Missing payments might also mean that you get fees and charges added onto your mortgage, and interest will be charged on arrears.
We'll need to understand your circumstances first, including your budget and what's causing your problems. If you haven't already done so, you'll need to complete the budget planner.
Once we understand your circumstances, we'll talk you through your options and agree some next steps.
This will depend on your circumstances, your budget and how long you think you might need help with your payments for. We have a range of options and we'll tailor a plan that best suits your needs, which might include a mix of these options. We'll make sure that anything we suggest is affordable. We'll also give you time to think about what you want to do and seek advice if you need it.
If your circumstances are going to improve in the next few months, we have some options that can help.
We may be able to reduce your payments for a period of time. If we do, arrears will accrue and interest will be charged on these. We'll need to make an arrangement for you to repay the arrears when your circumstances improve and this will show on your credit file.
We might be able to switch your mortgage to Interest Only for a short time. This will reduce your payments, as you'll only be paying the interest on what you owe. However, this means your balance won't be reducing, so when the Interest Only period ends, your payments will be higher than they were before you switched to Interest Only.
If you think you'll struggle with your payments for more than a few months, we have some other options available.
You may be able to change your product, which could reduce your interest rate and your mortgage payments. If you have any arrears, this could also help you to repay them.
If you have a Capital & Interest mortgage, extending your mortgage term will reduce your monthly payments. However, your mortgage will take longer to pay off, and you'll pay more interest in the long run. If things improve in future, you can always reduce your term.
If you think you'll struggle to pay your mortgage long term, and don't see this changing, we can give you time to sell your property. We might also be able to help you with the sale, if you need it.
If you're struggling with your mortgage, you could also benefit from independent advice. On this page, we've included sources of free and impartial help and support.
A debt advisor can:
We've agreed to sign up to the Mortgage Charter scheme which is being backed by the government to help customers with the increasing rise of interest rates.
Visit our dedicated page that explains everything you need to know and how to apply.
Mortgage CharterWe’ll ask you about your circumstances and do our best to help you. Don't worry, speaking to us won't affect your credit file in any way.
If anything else is making it difficult to manage your finances, like an illness, we’d also really like you to let us know. That way, we can provide the best support for you. Anything you tell us will be kept confidential and will only be recorded on your account if you’re happy for us to do this.
We’re here to support you and your needs. We have a range of tools to make your experience with us easier. You can read more about this on our Accessibility and Support page if you’d like.
If you miss a payment, your mortgage will be in arrears. This will show on your credit file and may affect your ability to get credit in future. Interest will be charged on any arrears. Missing payments might also mean that you get fees and charges on your mortgage.
If you’ve missed a payment, or you think that you might, it’s important that you get in touch as soon as possible. Together, we’ll come up with a plan to support you.
Where possible, please don’t cancel your Direct Debit before you’ve spoken to us. However, if you have a payment due before you’ll get chance to speak to us, and you’re certain you won’t be able to make it, cancelling your payment might be necessary. If you do cancel your Direct Debit, it’s important that you contact us as soon as possible, as missed payments will affect your credit file and you might get charges on your mortgage. You can call us on 0800 072 9739 to discuss your options. We can also change the date that you make your payment if that will help.
We treat repossession as a last resort. If you’ve missed payments, the most important thing you need to do is call us. we’ll try to work with you as much as possible to find a solution before we consider repossession
As we're signed up to the Mortgage Charter, if you have missed payments, in most circumstances you'll be able to stay in your home for at least a year after your first missed payment.
If you can now make your mortgage payment, we can help you get your mortgage back on track.We may be able to agree an arrangement where you overpay each month until your account is brought back up to date, if you are able to do so.
If you can make your normal payments but you’re not able to start repaying your arrears just yet, you can delay repaying them for a time. We may be able to spread payment of the arrears over the rest of your mortgage term. This means you'll no longer be in arrears, but your payments will go up, and you'll pay more interest in the long run. We call this ‘Capitalisation’. If you’d like to discuss these options, and the other ways that we can help, please get in touch.
Your property could be repossessed if you don't keep up your mortgage repayments.