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Published: 5 May 2022

Moving home is an important, exciting life event; it can give you the opportunity to explore a new area, redecorate rooms and expand your living space. But with paperwork, fees and a whole lot of life admin, it’s safe to say it can be a difficult time too.

However, there are things you can do to help lighten the load. Here are some tips and tricks for reducing stress when you’re moving house.

Check, check, check

Creating checklists will soothe your anxieties about forgetting to do or pack something. Your lists could include who to give your new address to or which utilities you need to set up.

Create a separate list for any last-minute checks you need to do before handing over the keys – moving day will be busy, and you don’t want to leave anything in the loft! You’ll find plenty of guides online, including this moving house checklist by Which?.

Checklists not only reduce stress, but also give you a sense of accomplishment each time you tick something off and take one step closer to moving in. Fingers crossed you’ll be able to relax in your new kitchen with a cuppa soon.

Make time

Now that you’ve got your checklists sorted, it’s a good idea to think about how you’re going to squeeze everything in. Be realistic about the time you’ll need to complete different tasks, and try to avoid stacking everything into one day.

It might be worth taking some time off work so you can focus solely on moving, rather than squeezing everything into your evenings. You could also try asking your employer about flexible working – some will be happy to flex your working hours to accommodate your move.

Categorise your boxes

There are many ways to categorise your boxes when packing, but whichever way you choose it will help reduce stress once you’re in your new home. You may want to group your belongings by type, such as by putting all bedding in one box, or you may choose to pack everything that goes in one room together. Just make sure to label them!

Remember to pack a box with all the essential items you’ll need straight away, so you can grab them easily. This could include things like chargers, scissors and toiletries.

Packing might take longer than you think, so box up your non-essentials early to get a head start. And if you’re using a removal firm, make sure your belongings are clean and hygienic for them to handle.

Practise mindfulness

As moving home is such a stressful activity, it’s more important than ever to make time for mindfulness. We know you’ll have a lot to do, but just taking a few minutes in the morning to get yourself in a positive headspace could help you feel calmer for the rest of the day.

It can also be an emotional time - whether sad to be leaving great neighbours or the house your children grew up in, or excited about more outside space or renovation plans. Make sure to check in with how your loved ones are feeling and remember to support them through what can be a stressful time.

Celebrate the small wins

Whether it’s packing up the entire spare bedroom or changing your address in all the relevant places, these are wins and they deserve to be celebrated. This could be as simple as letting yourself sit down with a hot drink and a biscuit, or even planning a housewarming party.

However you choose to celebrate, just make sure to reward yourself – there will be many steps (and some obstacles) between you and your new home. The journey will feel much smoother if you just give some time to pausing, contemplating, and perhaps raising a glass to how far you’ve come.


This article is intended for information purposes only and is accurate at the time of publication. It’s always advisable to verify any information you take before relying on it.

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