Accessibility and support
We’re here to support you and your needs. There’s a range of tools and services we offer to make your experience with us easier.
Never share your log in details with anyone and don't let someone else view or control your device.
Stay alert to scams involving transfers from Leeds Building Society savings accounts to cryptocurrency wallets. Take steps to avoid falling victim to fraud.
We’re here to support you and your needs. There’s a range of tools and services we offer to make your experience with us easier.
Let us know how we can support you by dropping us an email. Don’t forget to tell us the best way to get in touch with you.
By emailing us, you're consenting for notes to be added to your account(s) so we're aware of any action we may need to take to give you extra support. You can withdraw your consent at any time.
Our Privacy Policy sets out how we collect information and how and why we use it.
Get in touch with us to discuss any of your additional support needs. For any general online queries, see our log in and registration page.
03452 682 642